
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Wow! Let me clue you in on what has been happening in this girls life:
  1. End of the semester stress
  2. Went on a long long vacation
  3. First of the semester stress
These things, and many more time consuming events, have kept me from blogging but let me tell you about the renewed energy I have for my blog. First, my adorable frousin (friend/cousin) introduced me to this amazing site. (Which I think could motivate anyone to blog!)

Next, I h
ave come to realize the purpose for blogging is not to write impressive things for others to ohhh and ahhh about, but it is to simple talk about and express a personal opinion on ANY topic imaginable. It is an opportunity for people everywhere to express opinion and write their "take" on the world. With this new knowledge, I am excited to inform you that my blog will not be anything extraordinary. It probably won't be life changing and I'm almost positive it won't be as pretty as the next blog (because I tend to not understand how to decorate!)
BUT this blog WILL be about this small town girl. It will probably have random thoughts and som
etimes crazy ideas. It may be a tad boring at times but hey, it's my personal online journal so I can write whatever pops into my head :) I am very excited to share with you my view on the world and hope that by writing all the crazy things stuck in my brain . . . I can fill you in on what life really is like in this small town!

Upcoming posts:
  • Highlights of Hawaii (where I spent two weeks of my life this past December!)
  • Pictures of the newest member of our family
  • Thoughts on the tragic engagement of my dream man

Here is a glimpse of what my December looked like...



  1. I completely agree with you! A blog should be a reflection of the writer...Can't wait to see pictures from Hawaii!


These little notes sure brighten my day :)