
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

a few life lessons

the last week has been a little busy/crazy/intense/stressful/anxious/tense/exciting/restless/straining/never ending. (hence the lack of posting)

but for these life lessons - i am grateful for those long days:
  • never go 40 in a 25 zone in orem, utah. even though there wasn't a stupid speed limit sign, and even though there are about a hundred cars zooming by you, and even though you are lost - don't even think about speeding. you WILL get pulled over by officer backus and it will cost you 150 big ones.
  • buttermilk pancakes are best made out of a box. just add water and before you know it - you'll be addicted.
  • the first time you ride a ferris wheel is pretty magical. especially the one at lagoon. it's huge.
  • crying, no matter the number of tears, does result in a massive headache. especially when you do it often enough.
  • after hitting a cat - the best thing to do is call your best friend to tell them about it. they will probably have no sympathy for you and just laugh hysterically. (i know this girl did and secretly i'm incredibly grateful for that.)
  • be grateful for the time you have at a small town, junior college - it goes by way too quick.
  • spending extra time every night to look at the stars will make everything seem alright. it will probably make you smile and it definitely is the best way to talk to someone.
  • shooting stars are the best way to make wishes. and i'm becoming more and more convinced that it's the only way.
  • if you start lost, plan to be there awhile. it tends to takes over your life.
  • michael buble will melt your heart no matter how many times you've listened to his songs.
  • and this picture...
makes for the best desktop.

1 comment:

  1. Can I just say how relieved I am that you aren't mad that I laughed my head off about the kitty accident?? Haha! This whole post was great. I was smiling the entire time I read it. You, my friend, ate a- freaking- dorable!


These little notes sure brighten my day :)