
Thursday, January 13, 2011


i'm addicted.

today i realized that once i find something i like - i just can't get my mind off it. it kind of consumes me. i've been addicted to all sorts of things. yet, in doing some retrospective thinking of late - mostly i just love food and good tv. to name a few...

sour punch straws.
raspberry sorbet.
muddy buddies.
strawberry popsicles.
chicken nuggets. (current)
the bachelor. (current. isn't this season a laugh?)
the office.

and pathetically so... the list goes on and on.

but i'm not ashamed. nope. i like these things and although at times they are either expensive or incredibly time wasting - they do make me smile.

so here is to my current and kind of new addictions:

the bachelor.
modern family.

the biggest losers.

and this heaven sent bag of sugar.

oh... and these :)
(i wear them almost everyday. with any outfit.)

what about you? anything else you think i should add to the list?

p.s. i'm currently trying to come up with a new and fun background/header. stay tuned :)

1 comment:

  1. You forgot to put nerds jelly beans. i'm pretty sure that we consumed 6+ bags on just the one trip to Cali. haha I'll be honest...I kind of cringe when I see them now.


These little notes sure brighten my day :)